Friday 28 June 2013

Looking forward to the weekend..

Thanks goodness it's Friday - it's been another jam packed week for little me. The folks have been doing lots of training with me - some of which I've complied with (hehe). I've been told there is fish and chips on the menu on Saturday and and end of term party at the Princes Drawing School to look forward to tonight. Just got to make sure Mummy gives me a wash before I go out as I'm a mucky pup.  Here are some pics from my week-hope you enjoy them!

Being examined by a couple of cockapoos!
Loving the long grass 
Killing Sally the Stoat 
Helping Mummy with her beer ( not that she needs any help ) 
Attacking Mummy with kisses 


  1. Oh my goodness, you are just the most adorable little doggy!!!

  2. Aw thank you Peppino ! and thank you for stopping by. we are just getting the hang of blogging and always so lovely when someone leaves a comment. am hopping over to your blog now to say hi!

    Miss Marple X
